An introduction to zero waste nut milk

Date: 24th April 2022

Where: Online via Zoom

Time: 10.00-11.00


This online workshop is an opportunity to learn the basics of making your own zero waste nut milk at home.


Let's make milk together!!!


Did you know that only 27% of Tetra Pak cartons are recycled globally? This one statistic, alongside mounting cartons in my recycling bin led me on a quest to create tasty refill plant-based milks at home.


On top of a desire to reduce our household waste, I wanted really tasty, creamy plant based milks. Most shop bought nut milks only contain 1-3% nuts and most oat milks are made abroad and shipped to the UK, despite the fact we have some of the best tasting oats in the world right here in Scotland.


I recently launched two non dairy nut milks in refillable, reusable glass bottles. These are currently available via Refillosophy in Aberdeen.




I want to help more people REDUCE their Tetra Pak waste by sharing what I've learned over the past two years making my own delicious, creamy oat and nut milks at home.


Simply replacing 1-2 Tetra Pak cartons per week with your own delicious oat milk could mean saving 52-104 cartons per year!!


Once you get started you will wonder why you never tried it before. 


In this workshop you will get:

  • An overview of why making your own nut milk is better for the environment and can save money.
  • A recipe to make your own nut milk at home.
  • An equipment list of the tools you'll need to make your own nut milk .
  • An ingredients list of everything you'll need.
  • What to look out for when buying your ingredients in order to buy more sustainably.
  • Common mistakes to avoid when making nut milk at home.
  • Suggestions of other types of milks you could try.
  • A recipe to use up ALL the left over oat pulp.
  • First opportunity to sign up for my next workshop.



  • Available
  • Ships within 1-3 days